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How To Change Your Name on Facebook Complete Guidline



how to change your name on facebook

Facebook is a platform,  where people connect and communicate with each other and make a network. Primarily Facebook was used to exchange information, data posting and communication with friends and other people.

Now a lot of users use Facebook for business purposes and product marketing is very common. A Facebook name is an identification of a user on the platform. Users contact each other by their name and make a community.

In case of any trouble or business purpose, Facebook name can be changed; this process could be done from every device. How to change your name on Facebook is very crucial to know, as it is helpful to maintain a profile.

Importance of a Facebook Name

Here are some points that elaborate the important role of a Facebook name

  • It shows the name of your Facebook profile that presents you on the platform.
  • Users contact you with your display name and build a strong engagement.
  • An easy and authentic name enhances the search potential of the profile
  • If you are running a business with Facebook then the name presents the type of your business.

Reasons to Change Facebook Name

The users on Facebook are presented by their profile name. These names can be changed whenever you want. The common reason to change is that the users are not satisfied with their previous name, so they decide to change the name.

Secondly, Facebook marketing is becoming a source to earn money. Users convert their accounts into business accounts by changing and updating their names on Facebook. A business-related name will enhance the engagement of users.

How to Change Your Name on Facebook on Mobile?

Most users use Facebook on mobile phones; the steps to change the name on Facebook are listed below.

Step 1: Go to your Facebook application on your mobile phone and sign in to your account by password. Press three lines from the corner, and you will see many options.

Step 2: Press the option of settings from settings and privacy and go to the personal information section. Select the option of name from the personal information.

Step 3: Make a list of suitable names and select a compatible name. Type your selected name in the given section and press on review changes.

Step 4: Save the changes to apply your new Facebook name to the profile. Check the name changes by giving the password and signing up again.

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How to Change Your Name on Facebook from a Desktop?

Professionals such as creators and business managers use Facebook on a laptop or personal computer. Some steps to changing your name on Facebook are given below.

  1. Go to Facebook on Google from your device and log into your account.
  2. Go to your profile photo and click on the three lines given in the corner of the screen.
  3. Move towards settings from privacy and setting options. Press on the option of name from general account settings.
  4. Type your first name in the first section and your last name in the second given section, and review your name.
  5. Save all the changes and confirm them by entering the password again. Your name will be changed. 

Testing of Name after Changing

Testing of Facebook name after making all the changes is an integral task to be done by the user. Make sure to select an error-free Facebook name and avoid copied names, as they display a negative impact on your profile.

If you want to test the name after changing, then go to the review change option. This will show you a window that reveals how your name will appear on your profile. As it is not a final process, check for grammar and spelling mistakes and correct them before finalizing.

How To Change Your Name on Facebook Complete Guidline

How To Change Your Name on Facebook Complete Guidline

Eligibility Criteria for Changing the Facebook Name

Facebook restricts changing your name only once in sixty days. You can’t change your name if you have already changed it within this period. If you want to update or change your name on Facebook, wait until the restriction is over.

You can change your name only when you have a verified and valid account. Your profile should not be flagged for any wrong activity. Clear all restrictions, verify your account, and make it valid before changing your name on Facebook. If you want more information on this topic visit this YouTube channel .

Policy to Change Facebook

Facebook also has a specific policy to change the name on Facebook. Here are some rules set by Facebook.

  • Your selected name should be authentic. Facebook will reject a meaningless name.
  • Only use letters in your name. Don’t use any symbols, numeric values, and brackets in the name.
  • Avoid copying content while creating a Facebook profile whether it’s a name or profile description.
  • Select the name based on your real name and the business that you want to start on Facebook.
  • Always select a legally approved name and avoid vulgar names.

Tips Before Changing Your Name on Facebook

Make a list of suitable names according to your taste. There are several types of names, select your desired type. Make sure to check spelling mistakes properly from the list. Avoid choosing an irrelevant name for your Facebook profile.

If you are using Facebook for normal use, you must add a nickname with your real name for fun and entertainment. In the case of a business and marketing of products keep the name exactly match with the type of your business.

Length of Your Facebook Name

you have to set a Facebook name with proper length before changing a name on Facebook. Facebook set some restrictions in setting the length of your name.

1. Maximum Length

Facebook doesn’t allow you to set lengthy names for your profile. The maximum length of your first middle and last name should be 50 characters only. A name having characters more than fifty will be rejected by Facebook.

2. Minimum Length

The name of Facebook should not be too large or too short. The minimum length of the first, middle, and last name should contain at least two characters to balance the consistency. 

3. Middle Name

The middle name is mostly kept optional. But if you also keep a middle name, keep its character in the range of minimum and maximum criteria. Facebook doesn’t support too large and too short names on profiles.

Benefits of Changing the Facebook Name

If you replace your Facebook with an attractive and authentic name, then it will give you a lot of advantages. Some benefits are given below.

  • An attractive and easy name increases the search potential of your profile
  • A business-related name helps the user to identify the type of your products on the marketplace.
  • Users contact you with a username, so keep it easy and simple.
  • Only relevant audiences contact you, in this way, it reduces the inappropriate potential of users.
  • If your previous one has some spelling mistakes then changing the name helps in reducing errors.

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Facebook is a platform commonly used for normal use and also for business purposes. Sometimes users want to change their name on Facebook. How to change your name on Facebook is an important question, every user should be well aware of it. This article completely covers the guidelines of, how to change the name of your Facebook profile? It will cover the topics of how to change the Facebook name on different devices and some tips and tricks applicable before changing the name.

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Marc Luci is a seasoned content creator boasting nearly five years of professional writing expertise. Through her distinctive platform, she consistently offers tens of thousands of visitors fresh and creative team name ideas each month.

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